We found a Hag Stone!


What is a Hag Stone you might ask? Well, here is the story…

Hag stones can be made of any type of stone but are unique in that they have somehow had a hole burrowed into them naturally. They have been called many other names, Witch Stones, Adder Stones, Snake Eggs, Hex Stones, Fairy Stones, Holy Stones, and Eye Stones to name a few.

They are most often found in dry riverbeds or along the seashore as the moving water is what causes the erosion of the hole through the rock. The reason people (pagans) are so interested in them is because there is a commonly held belief that magick cannot work on moving water, and since the holes in hag stones are made by the force of this element, the stones retain water’s beneficial influence. 

The stones are often used as a protection amulet but have also been said to possess healing qualities. Some other uses include enhancing spell work, protection against another person’s magick to ward off the dead, curses, sickness, and nightmares…or more simply put, for protection. IT is also said they can be used to see into the land of the Fae and even open up windows to their realm.

So there you have it, one stone, many uses!